An educational organization to benefit children whose parents are in jail by teaching those parents how to positively support their children.
Triple C and Me (501(c)3)
Our Mission: To serve juvenile children of incarcerated parents by instructing those parents how to nurture their children while still in jail. Triple C refers to the Child, the Caregiver, and the Court. The parent, or ‘Me’, will come to understand their relationship with each C and the power their actions have to improve those relationships.
Our Goal: Before leaving jail, parents will have the immediate next steps to improve their children’s lives. Participants of the program will design a plan for decision-making that specifically distances them from their unhealthy circumstances.
Our Program: The class behind Triple C and Me is a prerecorded video of Dr. Davis Palmour speaking about what it takes to be a nurturing parent. Local facilitators will lead in-person discussion on material presented in videos. Over the course of two sessions the parents will learn new skills, gather local resources, and create an actionable plan to nurture their children far into the future.
Triple C and Me: contact@triplecandme.com